About Niegeria
International Exhibition for POULTRY, DAIRY & AQUACULTURE
1-2 Apr 2020
Nigeria is often referred to as the "Giant of Africa", owing to its large population
and economy. With approximately 175 million inhabitants, Nigeria is themost
populous country inAfrica and theseventh most populous country in the world.
Nigeria has one of the largestpopulations of youth in the world.
As of 2015, Nigeria is the world's20th largest economy, worth more than $500
billion and $1 trillion in terms ofnominal GDP andpurchasing power
parity respectively. It overtookSouth Africa to become Africa's largest economy
in 2014.
Nigeria is considered to be anemerging market by theWorld Bank; it has been
identified as aregional power on the African continent, amiddle power in
international affairs, and has also been identified as anemerging global power.
Nigeria is one of the largest countries in Africa, with a total geographical area of
923,768 sq Kms. Its estimated population was 175 million people in 2013.
The Nigerian poultry industry is estimated at 800 million USD and is comprised
of approximately 145 million birds. Nigeria presently produces above 550,000
mt of poultry meat per annum and 700,000mt of eggs and largest producer of
eggs in Africa.
Nigeria is currently consuming 360,000 tonnes of beef a year
Nigeria has estimated 19.5 million cattle, 72.5 million goats, 41.3 million sheep,
7.1 million pigs and 28,000 camels, 145 million chickens, 11.6 million ducks, 1.2
million turkeys and 1 million donkeys.
Nigeria owns significant fisheries with a coastline of 853km and over 14 million
hectares of inland waters, and an abundance of marine, brackish water resources
many of which are potential sources of fish food for its people.
Fish supplies over 50% of the total animal protein consumed in Nigeria
The contribution of fisheries to the Nigerian economy is significant. Nigeria the
annual fish demand as at 2012 is 2.66 million metric tonnes, with supply being
only 1.32 million metric tonnes. Out of this figure, local production is 0.62 million
metric tonnes while 0.7 million metric tonnes is from importation.
Fisheries contribute about 4.5% and 0.5%, respectively, to the national GDP and
export earning. Total export earning from fish was USD 50 million while the
import value was USD 375.03 million in 2001
Aviana Nigeria will be holding a mega Exhibition and Conference on Poultry,
Dairy and Aquaculture in International Conference Centre, Ibadan, Nigeria.
than 200 Exhibitors will be participating from more than 25 countries will
witness more than 10,000 Visitors worldwide.
For more information kindly email: info@avianaafrica.com
Aviana Nigeria Team
Tel: +260971095116
Eamil: info@avianaafrica.com
Web: www.avianaafrica.com